About Me

My Journey
From a young man, I felt unexceptional. I know; it’s not like most of the other spiritual practitioners who speak of visions and great miracles they’ve experienced since they were young. I grew up very “3D”, as a second-generation immigrant, the magical and fantasy had no room in an American society that told you to work hard and have a stable job to have a good life. As a gay man in a Christian household, I was also conditioned to fit in and be normal, to reject what I felt was my truth, and look outside for approval. As a black man… I don’t think I have to explain that to you.
Growing up wasn’t magical, it was in avoidance of pain so, in order to experience the magical, my only choice was to… risk it all on me.
After failing to take my own life as a teenager, I began to seek my own answers and not let others tell me how my life should be and how it should look to be “deemed” successful or happy.
I’ve volunteered in spiritual centers, examining every teacher and author who entered and their version of “the answers”. I’ve joined many different retreats and seminars. I’ve traveled to 4 continents and 20+ countries. Learned systems, practices, and skills like the Akashic Records, Tarot cards, Energy Work, Reiki, Energy Shamanism, Human Design, Psychic Abilities, Channeling, QHHT, Mental Health, Body language, and dabbled in Astrology and Numerology (I’m not even mentioning any recent skills). I promise you, I’m not exaggerating, I was a very curious and lost man for most of my life, looking to fit into society and make it work in modern society. Some “AH HA!” or corporation where I can be stable without selling my freedom, joy, and mental health in the approved way.
Then, I found my Ah HA!
It was me.
Me. I sought answers and validation in everything outside of me: relationships, friendships, jobs, you name it, to make my life make sense and invite in success, all the while ignoring myself. I realized I wanted someone else to tell me that I was special and valuable. This whole time, I had to unplug what was blocking the unapologetic, authentic, and pure essence of Jesani.
Then, I watched myself not struggle as much and everything I needed, that I chose to experience found me instead. Now, I’m truly living a life that I would rather die than give up. It means that much to me.
My Spirit guides informed me that I didn’t experience all of this to keep it to myself. So, I’ve decided to activate the unapologetic essence in other people as well. So you don’t have to go through what I did for as long as I did.

Maximizing Your Personal Success
Welcome to Self Knowledge Coaching, the premier destination for unlocking your true potential. As an experienced coach, I'm passionate about helping individuals discover their true purpose and create the life they truly want. With my unique blend of mindfulness techniques, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and guided introspection, I empower my clients to master their own lives. My goal is to help you discover the inner power you already possess so that you can take control of your life. Start your journey towards true self-discovery and personal growth.

Feeling like you’re not living to your fullest?
If you’ve read my journey, I know I’m not the only person who’s ventured outside themselves for all the answers. To find the reason we were born or the reason we’re valuable or special. You know what you’ve learned and you may not even know where to start or you feel like you’ve hit a ceiling and have no idea where to go from here. You need someone to tell you the answer… That’s not me.
I nor anyone else can tell you or show you the answer but, what I can offer is to assist you in removing all the gunk you didn’t notice was restricting you and activate what may be dormant so, you can have more clarity on “what you don’t know that you don’t know”.
Basically, I’m not here to be your guru or even teacher. I’m just reminding you of who you are, the totality of you. I’m here to regenerate your memory and inner compass so, you can realize the lies you’ve been telling yourself and live your unapologetic truth. Then, taking every step in your truth, you create more and more of a fulfilling existence that brings you that prosperity you imagined but, couldn’t see how.
I’m here to lead you back to you.

What is Know Thyselves Mentorship?
No, it’s not a typo. It’s on purpose, a brilliant friend and teacher, JJ Brighton, once revealed to me that there’s a deeper meaning to Know Thyself and it’s actually “Selves” not “Self”
That dawned on me, to truly be successful and navigate in this life we need to understand ALL of us, the FULLNESS of us. Our Shadow Self, Our Light Self, Our Earth Self ( also Masc/ Fem), Our Enlightened/Galactic/Higher Self, Our Inner Child, and All our Fragmented Selves. We beat ourselves up for not walking a straight line or being able to do things others do so easily but, it’s because we’re ignoring major parts of us that all play a role and are a part of the story.
In Know Thyselves Mentorship, we look at you, who you are today, all of you. We don’t shame, ignore, or bulldoze any parts of you that are here to be seen and integrated to create a fuller, whole, and confident you. Pressuring or forcing yourself to fit in, be happy, be better, be “more light”, or whatever you tell yourself is creating a war within yourself and calling it love or discipline.
Working with me in this mentorship, we move towards your version of success by shifting you working against yourself to revealing what’s natural and successful to you and your journey.
Are you ready?
Are you willing to stop ignoring yourself?

What Know Thyselves Mentorship Offers
This 3 Month Mentorship includes…
Fulfillment and Spiritual Coaching Sessions.
Channeling your Spirit Guides & Angels
Shadow work
Wounded Child Healing
And more…
Multidimensional Soul Integration Sessions
Akashic Record Sessions
Personal Light Language Activations
Personal Akashic Contracts Ceremony
Energy & Chakra Healing
Access to my personal contact for in-between sessions
Human Design Chart Analysis
Before moving forward…
I need you to take a breath and check-in. This is your first lesson on sovereignty.
Ask yourself and guides: Is this the highest good for me and my expansion?