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Represents the evolution of our soul's journey, where we bring together fragments of our existence from diverse dimensions, all poised for their next level of spiritual expansion. This transformative modality builds upon the groundbreaking work of Dolores Cannon, who introduced the concept of these soul aspects waiting to integrate when alignment is achieved on an individual level.

"Embarking on the path of MSI involves several essential steps to ensure readiness for both the receiving and integrating souls. It encompasses delving into the tapestry of your soul's multidimensional nature, achieved through avenues like past-life regression." - Activations with JJ



I don’t know if you’ve heard this before but, we are only a fraction of the entirety of our soul. Yes! This isn’t our whole soul that has incarnated on this earth, it’s an important piece but, not the entire soul. This experience, this mission, that we have on this planet takes a lot of effort, it’s one of the hardest dimensions to incarnate in because of how low it is, this 3rd-dimensional world of Earth. So, naturally, we need all the help we can get. 

This modality is for those called to it, resonating with the concept: You’re ready for more. Pieces of your soul have journeyed off to experience parallel lives to gain wisdom, gifts, abilities, and experience that can help and increase the success of your experience here on earth. 

Multidimensional Soul Integration is a modality where you get to reunite with those fragments of your soul that hold additional information, wisdom, experience, abilities, gifts, and mindset that you need to venture more smoothly through this life. Giving you more skills and tools in your arsenal as well as a deeper feeling of being more whole and more centered. 

Multidimensional Soul Integration is you calling an aspect of yourself HOME.

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I often struggled with the truth and what is real. Many people have come into my life telling me what is and what isn’t dumping their concepts and beliefs onto me. I took them all in, of course, weighing them against each other. As you can guess, soon enough this process got super confusing and I started to invest more into other people’s ideals over my own. I felt stuck, like I was valuable and important but, I didn’t know enough. Hadn’t others told me about who I am and with limited information, accepted their perceptions? I wasn’t confident about my information. I didn’t have abilities like other people who can see so much as I pry and squint to perceive what I THINK may be something of value… hopefully. 

To put it simply, I was NOT my foundation. 

Then I met JJ, the founder of the MSI modality, and I went through her practitioner program, integrating these so-called aspects of me. Not knowing what it fully was but, feeling like this is what I needed, this will bring me the clarity I obviously lacked.

Fast forward to the present moment, I can honestly say that I’ve been told how much I exude confidence for years but, for the first time in my entire life, I finally FEEL that way. I have found a foundation in myself as I meet aspects of me that I am in awe of: An Atlantean High Priestess, an Avian being, a Dragon, a Golden Commander of an army, each bringing me skills, gifts, and languages I can consciously bring to this world as they make me feel more whole. Like I’ve come back to myself and I'm not stretched so thin. I have more in me to offer and I understand more of what I personally believe in so, now I'm able to unapologetically take up space with my truth and presence.

I am centered within me. 


  • It’s expanding your light body by bringing in additional vibrations to make you more aware of your multidimensionality. So you don’t feel so stuck and can bring in more of those earth codes that are and have been coming in, helping this planet on its ascension journey.

  • It’s bringing multidimensional healing aspects of yourself so you can exponentially accelerate your ascension. 

  • You’re amplifying your ability to raise your own vibration from within. 

  • It makes you more self-sufficient 

  • It’s a more efficient way to integrate guides for you. It's like having a council of guides nearby that understands your experience.

  • We are electromagnetic beings, meaning who we are affects everything and everyone around us. Light is information and bringing in more Aspects creates more light, and more information, and makes you affect your surroundings and people more without doing anything. It also aligns you and centers you so, it’s not out of control but, more empowered & purposeful.

  • You can gain the ability of self-healing: physically and energetically.,

  • It may sound weird but, you’ll feel more whole and more like yourself. A return of a piece of yourself.



  1. Do you feel stuck or stunted in your spiritual expansion/growth like you’ve reached some kind of limit or can’t seem to get to the “other side”? 
    a. I understand this feeling and have met many leaders who felt like there’s something more they are just not getting or seeing. Something out of their peripheral that would make this all click together. As if, they have the pieces but, they need to make sense of them or make them fit. 

  2. Does the sound of this modality bring a lightbulb or sound very intriguing? Like you have to know more or experience more. 
    a. This is something within you that recognizes this and calls to it. Follow what resonates and feels true for you. 

  3. Did you feel led or drawn to this page or to me? Feeling curious about why I popped up or keep popping up?
    a. Ask yourself, Was I guided here?

  4. Do you understand past lives and their wisdom and you've been searching for a way to integrate it?
    a. It’s like having a key, a source of information and you know it’s valuable but, you wonder what you can do with it. MSI is a way to actually internalize and utilize all the work your parallel and past selves have put in. 

  5. You’ve recently realized that in order to increase your probability of success you need to remember who you are, ALL of who you are.
    a. Don’t reject or run away from that feeling, it’s time for you to remember. And if fear comes up, remember this will go as smoothly as you need it, for me it’s an extended process unfolding piece by piece daily or weekly. It’s a gentle process but, a necessary one.


  • A Guided Soul Integration Ceremony (Guided Meditation with Practitioner)

  • A Galactic Akashic Record Reading

  • Body Attunement (Quantum Healing and Alignment governed by your spirit guides)

  • Guided Meditations for Integrating and Developing Relationships with Your Soul Aspects.

  • A personalized AI Art of your Soul Aspect


  • Mini Akashic Readings of Soul Aspect.

  • A unique activation for each Soul Aspect you integrate.

  • A Light Language recording to attune you.

  • A .PDF of the “Soul Aspect Record Journal” for the aspect discovery process

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Now, I need you to breathe. Take a moment and check-in. Is this for your highest good? If not, When? Be Brave. Take the next step. 


Spirit Magic Human and Jesani cannot guarantee any specific results or outcomes in this Program. Clients each have an individual journey, and the program provides tools and knowledge to support personal growth and development. Your dedication and effort in applying the program materials will play a significant role in determining your experience and results.

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